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July 21, 2022
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"Grass to Grade" Technology
Experts' Corner

"Grass to Grade" Technology

自动刀片控制与GPS技术附加推土机并不是什么新鲜事, 但是这些传统的系统只适用于分级工作的特定部分. Komatsu's recently released Proactive Dozing Control 系统扩展了机床控制的有效性和可用性, significantly changing the game of grading.

In this edition of Experts Corner, Jeff Martin, 30年的行业资深人士和SMS设备的SMART建筑销售代表, 分享他对新技术的见解,以及它如何改变忙碌的承包商的日常工作.

Machine control has been around for a while and is widely used. So why was there a need to improve on existing technology?

Typical GPS on dozers is limited because it is a simplistic blade control; the system will follow a design, but it's not sensitive to the operation of the machine, and it doesn't care about the terrain. All it does is lift the blade up and down. 当切割太大或刀片太满时,不会调整刀片, resulting in track slippage. 履带打滑会对底盘造成压力,造成不平整的表面,增加了你必须通过的次数. 挑战在于,传统的机器控制通常只在作业的最后阶段使用.

Automatic Dozing from Grass to Grade


  • 自动倾斜刀片,以保持直线行程,而粗糙的打瞌睡
  • Maintains consistent power to the ground and track

Watch Proactive Dozing in Action

Stripping Topsoil


Applications: Stripping topsoil, high-production dozing

  • Uses data from previous pass to plan the next pass
  • Automatically cut / strip from existing terrain
  • Helps new operators perform like experienced ones

Mass Excavation


Applications: Lifting, compaction quality control

  • Maintain precise lift thickness
  • 自动从现有地形展开升力,并有助于防止过度填充
  • Up to double the production of prior model

Finish Grading


Applications: Finish Grading

  • 分析地形和3D模型,在难以分级的区域主动定位叶片
  • Helps prevent overcutting at finish grade

* Compared to previous iMC control methods
** Compared to traditional methods

What does Komatsu do differently?

Proactive Dozing Control 从根本上不同于以往的机器控制和市场上的其他螺栓技术. 该技术和功能与机器完全集成,而不仅仅是一个独立的GPS附加组件. With Proactive Dozing Control, 机器连续使用已建成的映射,并保存每一次的数据, allowing the job to be done better and quicker. For example, 当叶片过载时,系统会感应到轨道滑动,并缓慢抬起叶片, removing track slippage.

The difference is evident when you're stripping topsoil. 因为它能感知并记住地形,推土机配备了 Proactive Dozing Control can strip the topsoil perfectly without mixing material. 黑土/活土应尽可能保持干净,以便承包商在工程后期可以重新利用. As mixed material piles are considered waste, 承包商最终将拖走更多的废物堆,而不是把它们留在现场.

What's the impact of this on the bottom line?

更少的通道节省了操作人员的时间,减少了疲劳系数. 它还减少了起落架的磨损,因为每次机器感觉到过载时,你都不会旋转你的轨道. 此外,返工显著减少,因为机器创造了一个完美的完成. Finally, you don't mix your black dirt with clay or other organics, making smaller marginal piles and increasing investment return. 
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How does this change the day-to-day work for operators?

Komatsu's intelligent machines with Proactive Dozing Control 本质上是你在整个分级操作中使用的“从草到分级”技术吗. Proactive Dozing Control is designed for finishing as you go. 大多数人习惯在比赛结束前打开GPS. So I tell operators to learn the system, turn on the GPS when they begin the job, and run it until the job is complete. A mindset shift is needed and takes some getting used to, 因为操作人员习惯于在完成作业后返回. 

另一点是,操作员经常问我:“这会让我丢掉工作吗??" The answer is emphatically "no." To run these machines efficiently, 你仍然需要一个熟练的操作员,他知道设备是如何操作的, how to spring the dirt, load a truck, etc.

To run these machines efficiently, 你仍然需要一个熟练的操作员,他知道设备是如何操作的, how to spring the dirt, load a truck, etc. 对于一个对评分一无所知的人来说,技术不会有多大帮助, but it can do amazing things in the hands of a good operator. 它使一个好的操作符更好,使一个高级的操作符更伟大.

我认为,这项技术也让评分对那些把建筑当成一种职业的年轻人更具吸引力. 因此,这不仅有助于现有运营商做得更好,还有助于吸引新的运营商. 

How does SMS Equipment help?

我们是一家专注于广泛支持我们销售的设备的公司. SMS设备提供完整的服务和培训支持,并建立了我们组织的基础设施,以便在机器移交后很长时间内支持客户的操作. 典型的SMS设备领域员工具有多年的工作现场经验和大量的应用知识. They can discuss equipment from top to bottom, how to use it efficiently and increase productivity, and how to keep it running in optimal condition. 

Why are you so successful in your role?

我在这个行业工作了30多年,包括担任承包商的角色. So, I can "talk dirt" with customers about their problems, their application and how they can use a particular machine. I know how much it costs to do a job. I know how much it costs to load trucks. 我从项目管理方面、评估方面和运营方面了解问题. These are the topics my customers want to discuss.


  • 传统的机器控制帮助承包商提高了生产率, 但典型的gps系统是一个相对有限的独立附加组件.
  • Komatsu Proactive Dozing Control 通过引入系统响应地形的综合方法,将机器控制提升到一个新的水平, the machine and GPS information.
  • 新技术支持“按需完成”的方法,消除了返工,提高了整体效率.
  • 这项新技术很受运营商的欢迎,因为它可以帮助他们专注于他们最擅长的工作,提高他们的表现. 
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Komatsu iMC 2.0 Dozers

New iMC 2.由于能够使用从草到等级的自动化设备,0台推土机将产量提高了60%.

  • 电梯层控制使用现有地形的形状,以高精度一致地放置电梯, reducing compaction rework
  • Create a temporary design with quick surface creation
  • 倾斜转向控制自动倾斜刀片,以保持直线行程在粗糙的打瞌睡,并减少轨道滑移 
View iMC 2.0 Dozers